
Domain investing and the trademark search in Malaysia
“Buying took over a decade, USD11 million & amazing amount of effort. Didn’t like even when we were only making (cars).” – Elon

Intellectual Property in Malaysia 101: Protect Your ‘Jarvis’ Now!
In the simplest definition, intellectual property refers to the outcome of your mental faculty. Let’s say you have spent hundreds of hours through meticulous research

Pendaftaran harta intelek di Malaysia – apa yang berlaku dengan Restoran Shell Out?
Kesedaran tentang peri pentingnya perlindungan harta intelek di kalangan usahawan di Malaysia adalah sesuatu yang tidak dapat lari dari diperbincangkan, kerana masih ada segelintir usahawan

Entering the year 2020 with a bang – latest updates in the intellectual property Malaysia law
Intellectual property is undisputedly one of the main keys to business expansion and sustainability. This is critical in the 21st-century economy across the globe. Giant

If one separates the word ‘trade mark’, ‘trade’ means business and ‘mark’ means a symbol or sign.