Trademark Search Malaysia
Trademark Search in Malaysia
As an expert in intellectual property registration, Primus IP delivers total protection for your creative ideas, which includes names, words, logos, and slogans to preserve your exclusive rights. We conduct trademark search in Malaysia to avoid substantial risks for your business.
About Primus IP
The Significance of Trademark Search in Malaysia
The Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO) will not acknowledge nor register a trademark that is identical to a mark that has already been registered. Thus, performing a trademark search in Malaysia is an essential step prior to filing and plays a huge role in preventing the owner from adopting a brand that infringes third-party trademark rights.
How to Conduct a Trademark Search in Malaysia?
A preliminary trademark search can be conducted at the Malaysia Intellectual Property Office website (MyIPO). You can also conduct a preliminary trademark search internationally for free through ASEAN TMview and WIPO, which provides online access to trademark applications and registrations happening in the participating countries. However, you should always reach out to a trademark counsel for comprehensive trademark research.
Preliminary vs Comprehensive Trademark Search
Preliminary Trademark Search
A preliminary trademark search can be conducted by anyone, by visiting sites like ASEAN TMview, WIPO and MyIPO. However, this type of trademark research only provides superficial information and identical or almost identical matches.
Comprehensive Trademark Search
A comprehensive trademark search is conducted by an intellectual property attorney with the help of a professional search company. The attorney will generate a detailed report, review and analyse the report, and provide advice regarding the mark based on the data.
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Trademark Search?
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
You can conduct a preliminary trademark search at the Malaysia Intellectual Property Office website (MyIPO). This is a basic search which identifies any identical or similar marks applied or registered in Malaysia.
Trademark search in Malaysia comes in all shapes and sizes. A more comprehensive trademark research conducted by an intellectual property attorney with the help of a professional search company is higher in price compared to other methods. To know more, contact our team for more details.
After performing your trademark search in Malaysia, you would need to complete all the necessary steps and submit your application to the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO). Overall, the process can take 12-18 months if you manage to have a smooth registration without objections.
You can use the ™ symbol after your trademark immediately. However, you can only use the ® symbol after your trademark has passed the entire trademark registration process and after you have been granted a Registration Certificate.